how 4dx can help you
the four disciplines of execution are a set of principles that large organizations use to achieve important goals. they help to move the oganiation is a specific direction while making sure everyone within the company is working towads the same goals
if large complex companie use this method to achieve big goals then you shuld also consider iusineg them. most people know of 1 o 2 important goals the want to achieve but dont know how. the article will focus on the how
what the the 4 dx principles?
1 set widly impotnt goals
2 use lead and lag measures
3 keep a compelling scoreboard
4 create a cadence of accountability
1 set widly impotnt goals
you should set 1 or 2 big goals you want to schieve, be as specififc as possible here
2 use lead and lag measures
lag measures are the measure tou use to measure your ultimate goal i.e i want to loose 20 kilograms within a year
lead measures are the small action you measure that will lead you to the big goal/lag measure
i.e measure the daily weight uisng a scale everyday
how many carbs did i eat today
3 keep a compelling scoreboard
you must have a scoeboard which is public and that everybody can see
how much is your current weight
how much weight have you gained o lost so far
4 create a cadence of accountability
you should revisit your goals and check the progress so far and decide on weather your going in the right direction or that you may have to change you actions to better lead you to your goasl